How About A Scavenger Hunt To Beat The Boredom?
The Texarkana Parks Department and Silverstar Smokehouse have a 'Scavenger Hunt' for you to do and have a chance at a $50 gift card.
Do you want to do something different and fun to do while social distancing? Join the Parks and Recreation Department on a scavenger hunt for the chance to win a $50 gift card donated by Silver Star Smokehouse & Saloon Texarkana.
Anyone can play, simply take a photo of the items or actions below, post to Facebook, and tag the Parks Department page.
Submissions must be completed by May 1st at 5:00 PM. A winner will be randomly selected and announced that day.
1) Do a yoga pose at Bringle Lake Art ( for directions, enter Bringle Lake Dam into your maps app)
2) Read a book at a park of your choice
3) Photograph the sunrise or sunset at one of the park lakes.
4) Have a picnic in the park of your choice.
5) Walk one of our trails or the boardwalk
6) Take a selfie with a mural downtown
7) Photograph an animal, plant, or insect at one of the parks
8)Take a selfie at photographers island downtown in front of the federal building
The Texarkana Parks Department wants to wish everyone good luck and please remember to keep a minimum of 6 feet between you and anyone else.
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