Congratulations to uur 'Halloween Selfie' iJump Pass Winners.

We have our four winners of the  one hour passes for iJump.

Taylor Alexander

Ashley Gill

Krystal Ross

Blanca Quintana

iJump is located at 4212 St Michael Drive in Texarkana. iJump is having a big Halloween Party on Friday from 6 until 10 and you are invited. They will have a costume contest and so much more for you to check out.

All they had to do was just download our app and send in a selfie. That is all you have to do to get entered. Our app is free and once you get it you will be able to take us with you anywhere. All app users get special access to contests just like this one as well as getting twice as much music when you listen to the app.

There are also concert notices, a  'call' and message button feature for interacting with us and of course breaking news. Make sure you are opted in on alerts so you can get the latest news and be the first to know on our upcoming contests.


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