Across the Spider-Verse Tarantulas Are Invading Texas Watch Out!
There is a new Spider-Man movie in theaters this summer "Across the Spider-Verse" and the same could be said about droves of tarantula spiders being spotted all over Texas this summer as well.
On the Prowl
The invasion began in May and runs until late July as a massive amount of tarantulas are migrating into the state of Texas for their annual hunt for a female mate. These large brownish-black fuzzy spiders stay holed up in their burrows deep underground and begin to come out this time of the year to look for a mate.
Tarantulas are common in Texas and there are around 14 different species of the spider worldwide and 6 types found in Texas mainly in semi-open spaces and the grassland regions of the state, according to a Texas A&M field guide.
When a male tarantula mates with a female spider, it can lay 100 to 1,000 eggs which could take up to 60 days for them to hatch. By the way, male tarantulas typically live seven to eight years while females can live up to 25 years. That sounds about right!
People should stay clear of logs or stones because that's where tarantulas make their web-spun homes or in this case the spider-verse.
The good news, getting bit by a tarantula is non-life threatening but it could still hurt due to their razor-sharp fangs.
Also, if a tarantula feels threatened it could release its bristle-type hair which could irritate your eyes and skin.
So, when you are out in the yard or in a wooded area be aware a tarantula could be lurking right around the corner.
LOOK: 20 of the biggest insects in the world
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