Who Is the Voice at the End of ‘Eternals’?
The following post contains major SPOILERS for the end of Eternals.
Since the first Iron Man, introducing new characters in movies’ post-credits scenes has been a Marvel trademark. And that does happen in Eternals, which features to brand-new MCU characters, Pip the Troll (Patton Oswalt) and Eros (Harry Styles). That’s the film’s mid-credits scene; sit through the entire credits and you’ll get a second scene featuring Kit Harington’s Dane Whitman. Marvel fans know Dane as Black Knight, a hero who has spent time as a member of teams like the Avengers and Heroes for Hire. In Eternals, Dane seems like an ordinary guy, although just before the credits he mentions his family’s complicated history to Sersi.
You get a little taste of it in this post-credits scene, when he opens an ornate case that contains a sword wrapped in bandages. For some reason, Dane is very hesitant to touch this thing, although as he inches closer and closer to its blade, the viewer can see energy radiating off of it. Just as he’s about to pick it up, a voice from off camera calls out to him, saying “Sure you’re ready for that, Mr. Whitman?”
At that moment, Eternals cuts to black and a title card reading “Eternals Will Return.” The identity of whoever was warning Dane is never shown. And he speaks so briefly, it’s hard to know who it is for sure.
More than anything else in the main body of Eternals, this enigmatic speaker is what audiences are talking about when they come out of the film. Who was warning Dane? And why didn’t Marvel just show their face, as they have so many times before in other post-credits teasers? We don’t know, but we have a few educated guesses as to the answers to both of those questions. Below, we’ve listed the five most likely candidates to be revealed as Dane Whitman’s unseen advisor:
Eternals is in theaters now.
UPDATE: Eternals director Chloe Zhao has since confirmed the identity of the voice at the end of the film. In an interview with Fandom, she said “That was the voice of one of my favorite superheroes, Mr. Blade himself. Blade, Blade, Blade, yeah!” So there you have it: Your first (very brief) tease of Mahershala Ali’s upcoming Blade fun.
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