What is the Strangest Thing You Have Accidentally Swallowed [NSFW]
Have you ever accidentally swallowed a bug? Imagine if it happened on live TV.
The President of Costa Rica was doing a speech in front of cameras when a wasp got too close to his mouth just as he was taking a breath. Watch what happens:
This next accidental bug eating on camera is NSFW because it has a lot of profanity.
Poor guy just can't get away from bugs flying in his mouth.
Then there is this guy who must have promised to eat bugs on national television if Trump won the election. Although, he was able to select bugs that were prepared for human consumption.
I know of friends that have had a bee or wasp crawl into the beverage they were drinking and they didn't realize it until they took their next drink. Blah! That gives me the creeps just thinking about it.
This was a near miss but too funny not to include:
What should you do if you accidentally swallow a bug? It really depends on what bug it is and if you have any allergies or asthma. This next video tells about different bugs and what kind of reactions people can have to bees, fleas, cockroaches or beetles.
This lady is just gross.
If you are not totally grossed out and have made it this far into my story, good for you because I have one more tasty treat for you. If a fly lands on your food do not eat that part of your meal. So disgusting. Of all the bugs that I have covered in this story, flies are the worst.
While this may not be a bug incident, it is a classic that is way too funny to pass up.
I've accidentally swallowed gnats but nothing like these people. If you haven't gotten enough of the accidental bug eating fun, I have more for you: