‘Trash Off 2021′ To Be Held April 17th – Don’t Mess with Texas
On Saturday, April 17th Texarkana will be participating in the statewide Don’t Mess with Texas Trash-Off from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for non-profit organizations and residents to help cleanup area roadways and beautify the community.
The City will provide trash bags, gloves and a limited number of safety vests for each project. Annually, the Texas Department of Transportation and Keep Texas Beautiful organize the Great American Cleanup from March through May. The statewide program is the nation’s largest community improvement program and focuses on litter prevention in April.
There are also options available for organizations on a year-round basis. TXDOT’s Adopt-a-Highway program includes two-mile stretches of roadways maintained by volunteers and has approximately 3,800 groups across the state.
For more information, visit; www.dontmesswithtexas.org/get-involved/adopt-a-highway-information.
The City of Texarkana, Texas also has an Adopt-a-Spot program with opportunities including neighborhood streets, parks, medians, and waterways to name a few. Both programs include name recognition signs for the area that is adopted, according to the release. For more information, visit http://ci.texarkana.tx.us/481/Adopt-A-Spot-
For more information, please contact the City’s Building Code and Inspections
Department at 903-798-3912.