Texas A&M & Northeast Texas Community College Sign Agreements
Officials from Texas A&M University-Texarkana and Northeast Texas Community College in Mt. Pleasant recently signed several new articulation agreements.
These agreements, sometimes called 2+2 plans, lay out a specific pathway between two institutions so that students can easily transfer from a community college to a 4-year university and know exactly what they need to complete a specific degree program.
The six new agreements link associates degrees from NTCC to Biology and Chemistry degrees at A&M-Texarkana, four of which include teacher certification. Bacholor of Biology.
Bachelor of Chemistry
Texas A&M University-Texarkana’s Dr. David Yells, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, believes that agreements like the ones between A&M-Texarkana and NTCC are instrumental in helping transfer students achieve their goal of graduating with a bachelor’s degree. “Providing a clear road map for students to follow as they navigate the increasingly complicated landscape of higher education is essential for their success. We are pleased to have such a dedicated partner as NTCC as we continue to develop these agreements,” commented Yells.
Students who enroll under these new programs will complete their associate’s degree requirements on the NTCC campus, and will attend classes at A&M-Texarkana to complete their undergraduate degree. With the addition of these new programs there are now 28 such agreements between the two institutions.
For more information visit the A&M website.