I enjoy many parts of my day but it is hard to imagine it much better than spending an afternoon smelling puppy breath and cuddling with puppies!
I recently rescued a pregnant dog from the local animal shelter. In just two short weeks she went into labor. As she was having the babies I kept thinking "this will be the last one" but she wasn't done until that eighth one popped out.
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This is what was happening at my house when I got home from work yesterday! This sweet momma dog was a stray in Texarkana that was hiding under an elderly lady's house. Now she is a brand new momma dog!
Muttley Crew Rescue will host a dog adoption event this Saturday, August 3, at PetSmart in Texarkana. The event is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Four other rescue groups will also attend this event so there will be many different breeds to choose from small to large.
Here is an update to the story about the litter of puppies that was found after momma and babies were separated for five days.
Momma, babies and daddy are doing well. Daddy "Pierre" has now been neutered. Momma "Selma" will be spayed once the puppies are weaned. The puppies are getting a little bigger. They were about a pound and a half when they were picked up.
PUPPIES FOUND! I can't believe it worked! I picked a stray momma dog up on Saturday. She was hanging out looking for food at Hot Tails Crawfish located on Hwy 71 at DuJack's Liquor Store--five miles out of town with no homes in sight. She was destined to be ran over if I left here there. She kept weaving between the cars, looking as if she was lost. She was painfully skinny.
I took her to the vet
Haylee Wren is a 10-year old from Texarkana and she has a very special talent for writing. Haylee has contributed several of her favorite stories to Writers Among Us, a book that is a collection of short stories with many local authors.
Combining Haylee's talent of writing and her love of animals, Haylee has masterminded a fundraiser for a local dog rescue at her book signing this Saturday at Geno
If you are looking to adopt a pet, be sure to stop by Petsmart on Saturday. Muttley Crew Rescue will have German Shepherds available for adoption. There will also be several other dog rescues at this event with a variety of dogs to adopt.
Bake a cake for the sale or come and buy a cake. The bake sale is Saturday, September 8, beginning at 8 a.m. at the corner of Pecos and Brazos in Texarkana, Texas. All proceeds will benefit the dog rescues participating in the event.
This is my last dog to be rescued in 2011. I run a German Shepherd rescue called Muttley Crew Rescue. You can check out my animals on my website. I've named this guy "Samson."
Bless his heart, he was wondering around on South Stateline in Texarkana. I had several calls, text messages, Facebook messages and emails about him before I was able to get over and pick him up.