The "Seize the Deal Auction" is coming to an end, have you put in your bid? There are some amazing things up for grabs, let's check out some of them before it's too late...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott today issued a new Executive Order prohibiting counties, cities, school districts, public health authorities, or government officials — from requiring or mandating wearing a mask. Public schools can continue through June 4. As of June 5, no student, teacher, parent, or other staff member or visitor can be "required" to wear a mask while on campus.
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the second phase of the State of Texas' ongoing plan to safely and strategically open Texas while minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Under Phase II, restaurants may increase their occupancy to 50% and additional services and activities that remained closed under Phase I may open with restricted occupancy levels and minimum standard health protocols laid out by
Bowie County Emergency Operations Center reports a total of 117 positive COVID-19 cases, with 78 recoveries and 11 related deaths. Cass County has a total of 26 with 20 recovered.
Miller County has 42 total cases, 3 active positive cases, 571 negative results, 38 recovered, 1 death. (Updated 5/21/20)
Indoor venues such as theaters, arenas, stadiums, and auction houses that are designed for large groups may reopen on May 18 on a limited basis, Governor Asa Hutchinson announced at his daily COVID-19 press conference yesterday.