Law Enforcement Officers from the state of Arkansas could be receiving a one-time $5,000 payment if passed by the House. The Arkansas Senate approved the proposal on Wednesday in a vote of 33-0 in favor that legislation put $50 million back for the payments.
Be sure to thank any law enforcement officers and wish them a happy appreciation day. One day certainly isn't enough but it is a good start. Saturday, Jan. 9 has been proclaimed Law Enforcement Day by the governor of Arkansas.
Yep, it happened again! I was taking a nap in a rest area this time and I experienced the knocking on my window by a man in uniform with a gun. These law enforcement officer wake-up calls are starting to make me a bit paranoid. This time the officer already had back-up on the scene with an ambulance on standby. I thought I would possibly be going to jail since this was my second "nap-caper&qu