
Texarkana's Red River Credit Union To Help Hawaii Credit Unions
Texarkana's Red River Credit Union To Help Hawaii Credit Unions
Texarkana's Red River Credit Union To Help Hawaii Credit Unions
The devastating fire in Hawaii has inspired Red River Credit Union here in Texarkana to step up and help out their fellow credit unions and the communities they serve. RRCU announced today, Thursday, August 17, 2023, that they are launching an initiative to provide financial assistance to credit unions that have been impacted by those wildfires.
Today in History June 14th
Today in History June 14th
Today in History June 14th
Here's a look at some interesting events that took place on this day in history: 1777 – The Stars and Stripes is adopted by Congress as the Flag of the United States (More info) 1789 – Whiskey distilled from maize is first produced by American clergyman the Rev. Elijah Craig (More info)