How Do You Pay For Your Stuff? Cash Or Card?How Do You Pay For Your Stuff? Cash Or Card?How do you pay for lunch and the everyday expenses you have? Are you a cash person or do you use a debit or credit card?WesWes
Do You Carry Cash, Or Cards Everyday?Do You Carry Cash, Or Cards Everyday?When you leave for work or school in the morning, does your wallet or purse have only debit cards or credit cards, or do you carry cash?WesWes
What Are You Going To Do With Your $600?What Are You Going To Do With Your $600?What are you going to do with your $600 stimulus check?WesWes
Has Your Credit Card Been Hacked?Has Your Credit Card Been Hacked?With all of the news about credit cards being hacked, a new story from the better business bureau caught my attention.WesWes