
The First Ever ‘Wagons For Veterans’ Cookout At The Four States Entertainment Center – Saturday, April 14
The First Ever ‘Wagons For Veterans’ Cookout At The Four States Entertainment Center – Saturday, April 14
The First Ever ‘Wagons For Veterans’ Cookout At The Four States Entertainment Center – Saturday, April 14
As far as I'm concerned we can't do enough to help our veterans and the Federal Government should do a lot more. But without getting too terribly mired in political rantings here's something we CAN do this weekend that helps veterans right here in our area. It's the first annual "Wagons For Veterans Chuckwagon Cookout".
Please Help Marilyn
Please Help Marilyn
Please Help Marilyn
Please help Marilyn Vaden who was recently diagnosed with Stage Two breast cancer by coming to the cookout and yard sale that is scheduled for Saturday, June 22. The yard sale starts at 8 a.m. and the cookout will begin around 10 a.m. The event will be in the parking lot at 1414 Arkansas Blvd which is in front of Arklatex Health Center.