Redwater High School Trapshooting Team Places in the Top 10
Three members of the Redwater High School Trapshooting Team recently went head-to-head with adults in the sport during the “50 Shades of Clay” Tournament at 5H Shooting Sports in Frankston, Texas.
According to a press release, team members braved the cold weather and held their own, and were placed in the Top 10 of all divisions.
Member placements were as follows:
Member placements were as follows: Main, D Division: William Howell - Second Place; Luke McEntire - Ninth Place; Spencer Wells - Tenth Place.
Super Sporting, D Division: William Howell - First Place, Luke McEntire - Fourth Place; Spencer Wells - Sixth Place.
Super Sporting, D Division 20 Gauge: William Howell - First Place.
D Division 28 Gauge: William Howell - Third Place.
Five Stand, D Division: William Howell - Second Place; Luke McEntire - Sixth Place; Spencer Wells - Seventh Place.
Congratulations to the Redwater High School Trapshooting Team for a job well done.