Opportunities Inc. Color Run April 25
Join Opportunities, Inc. for their First Annual Children's Color Run April 25th.
Hosted on the Opportunities, Inc. Wellness Trails, runners will be surrounded by beautiful sculptures and artwork as they race their way to the finish line while being splashed with bright colored powders.
The run is only the beginning. The Clor Race day will include an after-party filled with activities including:
Canvas Paint Balloon Darts
Chalk the Trail
Face Painting
Bounce Houses
And more!
The Opportunities Inc, Color Run will have the following Divisions:
The Stroller
Pre k - 1st Grade
2nd - 5th Grade Boys
2nd - 5th Grade Girls
For more information on sponsorship's or volunteer opportunities, email development@oopinc.org or call 903.791.2270
Here is what a color run is all about.
The race begins with each participant releasing a bag of color into the air creating a beautiful burst of color! Stations will also be located throughout the race route for you to be showered with brightly colored powder to turn your white shirt into a color explosion. The color is made from eco-friendly food colored cornstarch. Most of the powder will come out but there may be some residue.