Mom and Me Weekend at Camp Preston Hunt
Mom and Me is a female parent (or guardian) and youth adventure for boys in grades first through fifth. This fun event is Friday, May 5 through Sunday, May 7 at Camp Preston Hunt in Genoa, Ark.
Join in on a weekend of fun and bonding with your scouting youth. Activities include
water sports, BB guns, fishing, campfires, crafts and archery. There will also be plenty of free time and fun to be had. Register online through Event Brite.
The weekend events kick off at 4:30PM on Friday. Bring the medical forms part A& B for each boy and adult registered. Camp map, schedule of events, patrol name and cabin or tent assignments will be given at check-in. In addition all adult leaders must have completed the online course “Youth Protection Training” which can be found on the Scouting website. Once your gear has been unloaded, you are required to move vehicles to the parking area. Camp will end Sunday morning at 10AM.
For questions please contact the Council Office at 903-793-2179.