Junior League’s Eggstravaganza – Wake Up to a Yard of Candy Eggs
The Texarkana Junior League is getting ready for its 2021 Eggstravaganza. What fun to wake up on Easter morning to your yard filled with candy-stuffed eggs and a note from the Easter Bunny. You can bring that excitement to your kids and help the Texarkana Junior League with their projects at the same time.
Easter will be here before you know it. As we celebrate the true meaning of Easter it's also fun to see the excitement of the little kids as they wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has come to their house!
The Junior League has different levels for every budget:
25 eggs – $20.00
50 eggs – $40.00
75 eggs – $60.00
100 eggs – $75.00
The eggs will be delivered and hidden around your front lawn between 7:30 PM and 10 PM on Saturday, April 3. They will also leave a note from the Easter Bunny!
Deadline to place your order is Monday, March 29.
To purchase eggs the eggs you can go to The Texarkana Junior League's website. for more information, you can go by the office at 4425 Jefferson Avenue #115
Texarkana, Arkansas or call (870)772-9948.
The Texarkana Junior League is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
Their projects are focused on helping children in our area including:
Toiletries for Teens, Open Hearts Food Pantry, Packs For a Purpose, Shoes for the Soul & Clothes for a Cause and Spring Into Reading. You can find out more about these project and how to help at https://www.jltexarkana.org/projects/

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