You've seen them on the roadways, you've seen them circling overhead in a field or in the woods near a neighborhood, vultures. They may be annoying even a nuisance at times such is the case of a farmer in Arkansas that has been losing some of his calves right after birth to vultures.

According to a report from KAIT News 8, black-headed vultures have been swarming and attacking newborn calves even killing some of them at a Northeast Arkansas Farm. In a matter of a few minutes, vultures or buzzards can rip away at the carcass and do significant damage to the calves as they are a very aggressive species. They have been known to attack other small animals such as goats, lambs, and other wild animals.


The U of A Extension Office in Sharp County where the attack occurred reminds farmers there is a program through the Arkansas Farm Bureau that can help with the issue. It's called the Black Vulture Depredation Permit which allows a person to kill three vultures if it is affecting livestock and the financial livelihood of the farmer's stock.

Now the big question looms.

Is illegal to kill or shoot a vulture in Arkansas?

Yes! Arkansas law states it is against the law to kill a vulture without a permit. The bird is federally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.


The law even applies to trapping, relocating, or moving the vulture's eggs without a permit. black vultures or turkey buzzards are nature's scavengers helping get rid of dead carcasses that could spread diseases.


Against The Law in the U.S.

Killing a black vulture or the turkey vulture is against the law not only in Arkansas but the United States, Canada, and Mexico to kill one of these birds. Violation of this law could land you in jail for 6 months and up to a $15,000 fine.


To keep these big birds away from your property or home use decoys like hawks or owls in nearby trees. The good news vultures have no reason to attack a live human being or pet but you may encounter one at some point. Ever since mankind has been around vultures have always been a symbol or sign of death but these birds are here to purge the earth's ecosystem whether we like them or not.

 Here's a farmer's story in our neighboring state, Missouri.

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