Is Your Favorite Texarkana Grocery Store Really Saving You Money?
Prices keep going up on everything. And oh my gosh, have you noticed your grocery bill lately? It's just crazy.
I've seen people on social media talking about the lower prices at different grocery stores or how they will go hit a few different stores to get the lowest price on certain items. Others say they started shopping at a different store altogether and are saving tons of money.
Let's See What Store Really Has The Lowest Prices
So we decided it would be interesting to put a little list together of some basic food items and shop online at a few stores here in town and see which store is saving us the most.
Here is What We Put on Our Shopping List
1 Dozen Large Eggs
1 Pound of Ground Beef 73%/27%
1 Gallon - 1% or 2% Milk (store brand) depending on what was available.
Froot Loops (my favorite as a child) 10oz.
Wonder Bread 20 oz.
Turkey Sandwich Meat 9oz.
Bag of Fuji Apples 2/3 lbs.bag
24 pack or Coke (most stores only carry 20 packs)
So here is what we found at four stores (in alphabetical order)
Save A Lot
Super 1 Foods
This is just a quick sample, but there really isn't a Huge saving from one store to the next. I'm not doubting the possibility that you could find bigger differences in the price of more specialty items, but for the basics? They run really close to each other and that was a shocker to us.
So, the takeaway from this is... if you feel like you need to go to several different stores to get the best prices. You might be just spinning your wheels and with gas prices as high as they are you really have to ask yourself 'is it really worth it to drive all over town?' To me, It looks like the best deal in town is to shop at your favorite store that is nearest to you and don't sweat the pennies.