It is Friday, April 13. Yikes! Another Friday 13th! There are good things to do on this day and things you should avoid.

Find out what you should and shouldn't do on Friday 13th and tell us what you are superstitious about.

Things that are bad luck to do on Friday 13th:

Begin a new job or a trip

Cut off both ends of a loaf of bread

Flip your mattress

Put new shoes on the table

Leave your hat on the bed

Pour water on a windowsill

Plant potatoes

Lean a broom on a bed

Do housework

Wear new clothes

Cut your hair

Sneeze to your left side

Things that are good luck to do on Friday 13th:

Cut your finger nails on a Friday to avoid a toothache during the month.

Pick the first violets of spring

Put a red bow on a newborn baby

The months of January, April and July in 2012 all have a Friday 13. See the chart below to find out when ALL of the Friday 13 dates occur.


Are you superstitious about anything?


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