Today we're featuring fake movie trailers.

Whether is a trailer made for a movie that will never actually exist, or a re-cut trailer to drastically change the tone of a movie that has been out for years, there's just something entertaining about imagining an alternate universe where these movies exist.

College Humor's "Dora The Explorer" movie trailer showcased Ariel Winter bringing adult themes to the iconic children's program.

CollegeHumor via YouTube

Scarlett Johansson played along with SNL's joke to make "Black Widow" into a romantic comedy. The results are pretty funny, but also kind of insulting.

Saturday Night Live via YouTube

Someone took a bunch of clips from different television shows and movies to make a pretty convincing "Friends" trailer.

VJ4rawr2 via YouTube

College Humor cast Aubrey Plaza as Daria ... We're actually pretty upset this didn't become a real movie.

CollegeHumor via YouTube

Nothing beats those fake trailers at the beginning of "Tropic Thunder". The others were a bit too crude to put into this post, but shouldn't be hard to find if it's been a while since you've seen them last.

Movieclips via YouTube

The re-cut trailers are hilarious. Could you imagine if this was the actual trailer for "The Shining"? People would have left the theaters more disturbed than they already were from seeing that creepy movie.

neochosen via YouTube

wikkidprawn via YouTube

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