"Fast Forward to Five" is our daily gift to you. If you're in that weird window of needing to kill time, but not having enough time to find funny or entertaining videos for yourself, we've got you covered.

It's Friday again, and you are at the final stretch. Maybe you have to work this weekend, and maybe you don't exactly get out of work at 5 o'clock, but nevertheless we've compiled a few videos with a matching video game theme. If video games aren't your thing, check out the past FFTF posts for something more your speed.

The YouTube channel, CinemaSins spends a whopping 21 minutes counting all the dumb things in the Super Mario Bros. movie.

This video features a guy making a fake movie trailer to the game Minecraft.

WatchMojo does a top 10 of the worst video game movies.


If you like these, be sure to subscribe to the authors of the videos to show your support. Feel free to watch the clips from our station's YouTube channel, and again, don't forget to subscribe. Type "FFTF" in our search bar to see other "Fast Forward To Five" posts.

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