Everything You Need To Know About the Power 95-9 1K Power Play
Power 95-9 is giving you the power to win cash with the 1K Power Play.
We all know $1,000 is a lot of money so think of all the things you could do if you won. Take a vacation, do some much needed car repairs, maybe pay off some bills, and it is really so easy to win.
Listen weekdays at 7:15AM for all of the details about the contest.
Then, listen to our station at 11:15AM and 4:15PM when we will give out a code word twice a day, every weekday, from now until April 21 for a chance to win $1,000 each time. Just take that code and put it into our contest on Power959.com and you’ll be entered for a chance to win $1,000.
All regular station contest rules apply.