Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and More Celebrities Celebrate Valentine’s Day 2021
Celebrities are celebrating Valentine's Day 2021 with their loved ones—including themselves. (Hey, self-love is valid, too!)
On Sunday (Feb. 14), stars began flooding social media with posts of their significant others, selves, families and pets to show their love and appreciation for their favorite people.
Miley Cyrus took a different approach to V-Day than most people: "SuCh A mEaNiNgFuL HoLiDaY bAsEd On LoViNg & ChErIsHiNg YoUrSeLf As 1 SoLiD fUlLy rEaLiZeD iNdiViDuAl WiTh No NeEd FoR eXtErNaL cOmPlEtIoN!" she wrote. The "Prisoner" singer shared a handful of memes (most of which are NSFW) using lyrics to her own songs, including Hannah Montana classics.
In a separate tweet, Cyrus sent a reminder to her followers: "Miley is here to wish you a Happy Valentines Day filled with a f--k ton of f--king. Unfortunately, Hannah is here to remind you of Covid-19 which means no sex."
Taylor Swift celebrated the release of her re-recording of "Love Story," which she released just in time for Cupid's favorite holiday. "Hey guys so who’s gonna tell 18 year old me that our love story would still be going strong all these years later? Thanks for the ways you fill my life with love 24/7, every d--n day. Happy Valentines Day."
Sam Smith spent their V-Day listening to music from pop royalty. "On this Valentine’s Day I have gone into a Mariah Carey music, video and live performances hole and I have realised, this is true love. Mariah will always be there to be our Valentine’s."
Christina Aguilera shared a sweet photo of her and her fiancé, Matthew Rutler. "Happy Valentine’s Day my love...here’s to all the adventures we‘ve shared and many more to come," she captioned the picture. "And Happy Valentine’s Day to me because self-love is important too!"
Meanwhile, Justin Bieber celebrated by performing a live stream concert for fans on TikTok. He will be performing his record, Journals, at 9 PM ET.
See all of the love-filled posts, below.
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