Traveling through Arkansas can be a beautiful experience this time of year with winding roads, stellar mountain views, and amazing lakes you'll find it all in the natural state as it's named. But the wrong turn could lead you down several Arkansas haunted highways where you just might encounter something out of the normal.

Highway 365


One of the most ghostly highways is in Central Arkansas near Little Rock where drivers on Highway 365 have seen an apparition of a woman that appears on the side of the road in a tattered dress when it's raining and if you choose to stop and pick her up she will tell you where she lives but when you get there she suddenly vanishes from your vehicle. If you are brave enough to knock on the door the people living at that address will tell you that was their daughter who was killed in a fatal traffic car wreck many years ago on Highway 365. The case has become known as the vanishing hitchhiker. This sounds more like an Urban Legend story to me but I don't think you'll find me on Highway 365 anytime soon. All the reasons why you should never pick up a stranger off the side of the road.

Old Redfield Road

Ashkan Forouzani, Unsplash
Ashkan Forouzani, Unsplash

Another creepy haunted highway in Central Arkansas is Old Redfield Road in Sheridan. For years it's been reported that people have seen ghostly apparitions walking down the road and into a nearby cemetery. Drivers have experienced radio malfunctions and their electrical devices quit working. I always believed that cemeteries near a highway are subject to paranormal activity.

Woodson Lateral Road

Eberhard Grossgasteiger, Unsplash
Eberhard Grossgasteiger, Unsplash

Located near Little Rock, Woodson Lateral Road has become known as being one of the creepiest roads in the state. The long stretch of highway has been known for numerous paranormal sightings, to add to the folklore like shadow people, ghostly lights, orbs, and a pentagram on the road. plus a roadside cemetery. Drivers in this area have reported seeing some type of mysterious winged creature that flies toward their window and then vanishes into the woods.

3d illustration of the Mothman
Getty Images

Wolf Bayou Bridge

Marten Newhall, Unsplash
Marten Newhall, Unsplash

You will have to travel a while in Arkansas to get to the Wolf Bayou Bridge in Scott, but once you arrive you will experience some creepy vibes. Legend has it that a woman and her baby were both killed when she drove off the bridge, and if you go there at night and say these bone-chilling words,  "Mama Lou, I've Got Your Baby," a ghost apparition of a woman will appear and hover over the bayou looking for her baby. People have also reported the sound of a baby crying and that their car will either go dead or won't start back up again. It's best you stay away from Wolf Bayou Bridge if you know what's good for you.

These are just a few reportedly haunted highways in Arkansas that you may or may not want to be caught on after dark.

hamid-khaleghi, Unsplash
hamid-khaleghi, Unsplash

Do you know of any others?


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