Jane Beckerdite

Texarkana’s Mr. Ed Says Shining Shoes Gave Him Focus
Ed Gooden is a shining example of a long-term, well-loved and dedicated employee.

Texas High Incident Results in Confusion For Some
An investigation into an alleged threat at Texas High School took a slight misturn yesterday.

St. Jude’s Wall of Hope
Our St. Jude's Wall of Hope, sponsored by Sonic, is a way to thank and honor our audience as they either donate online or call in their donation to our Country Cares Radiothon this Thursday and Friday, Feb. 16-17, 2017 at KKYR.com.
If you decide to donate again later or wish to challenge your co-workers or neighbors, you can always come back to KKYR...

Texarkana Fire Captain Charged With Alleged Sexual Assault of a 5 Year Old
Capt. Michael David Akin, 49, who is a 23-year veteran of the Texarkana Arkansas Fire Department, surrendered to Bowie County law enforcement authorities Wednesday, Feb. 8, on alleged charges of aggravated sexual assault of a 5 year old girl in November of 2016...

PBR Tickets To AT&T Stadium in Arlington Could Be Yours
It's by far the toughest sport on dirt today.
UofA Hope-Texarkana Ranked Second Best Online College in the State
The University of Arkansas at Hope-Texarkana has been named the second best online college in the State of Arkansas.
UAHT is highlighted in OnlineColleges.com’s 2016 list of Top Colleges in Arkansas. OnlineColleges.com ranked accredited colleges and universities in Arkansas using 2014 data from the National Center for Education Statistics...

Win Cash Cue to Call Times for Nov. 28-30 for VIPS Only!
It pays to be a VIP!

Nothing Can Keep Texarkana’s Cristi Potts Down
After suffering from migraines her entire life, Cristi Clayton Potts finally found a diagnosis in 2005 when she learned she had six brain aneurysms. Her odds for survival were not good.

Girl Scouts Health and Wellness Texarkana Event
Girl Scout Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas are gearing up for their annual Pink U health and wellness event on October 22 at Texarkana College. This year’s event will focus on health, confidence, fitness and fashion while providing a variety of fun activities.

Bi-State Narcotics Task Force and FBI Arrest Texarkana Man
On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 the Texarkana, Arkansas Police Department arrested Chris Whistle, 39, of Texarkana, on outstanding felony warrants for delivery of controlled substance. Whistle was wanted on federal charges stemming from a case that was initiated by members of the Bi-State Narcotics Task Force (BSNTF) and the FBI Safe Streets Task Force.

Texarkana, Texas Firefighters Work in Shifts to Fully Extinguish Silo Fire
Texarkana, Texas Fire Department crews were called to a fire at 8:47AM on Tuesday, August 23, where they remain on scene at Miller Bowie Supply in downtown Texarkana, Texas because 100,000 tons of cattle pellet feed caught on fire inside a silo.

Meet ‘Texarkana the Cat’ — Who Hails From Vermont
Texarkana the Cat was born in August 2008, which means he just turned 8 years old for those of you without a calculator handy. It's quaint that someone would name his cat "Texarkana" except there's an issue at play here. Texarkana the Cat's owners live in Vermont and have never stepped foot in our fair city.