
Student Photos Turn Up on Porn Site [VIDEO]
Student Photos Turn Up on Porn Site [VIDEO]
Student Photos Turn Up on Porn Site [VIDEO]
When you post photos on Facebook, it is out there for anyone to see and download. Even if your privacy settings are fairly tight, there seems to always be that one friend who has other friends that they don't have a clue who they are which means your stuff is being shared with strangers.
Facebook Users Swarmed With Gore And Porn Images
Facebook Users Swarmed With Gore And Porn Images
Facebook Users Swarmed With Gore And Porn Images
Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes, said "recently, we experienced a coordinated spam attack that exploited a browser vulnerability," "Our efforts have drastically limited the damage caused by this attack, and we are now in the process of investigating to identify those responsible." Noyes says users were "tricked into pasting and executing malicious javascript in their brows