"Fast Forward to Five" is our daily gift to you. If you're in that weird window of needing to kill time, but not having enough time to find funny or entertaining videos for yourself, we've got you covered.

The Office may not be on the air anymore, but we still have legendarily funny clips to go back to in order to brighten our day.

This kid is already pretty good at parkour, but if he keeps it up after starting at such a young age, who knows what we'll see him do in 5 or 10 years. Alex Aromin Gabbay has access to a gym and some cool locations so he practices often in both safe environments and in the streets. Keep that in mind if you think your kid might be interested in this sort of thing.

Here is an great video from the YouTube channel 38 People Are Awesome. Don't try this at home, and really don't try it at the office.

This video was uploaded by the Tempest Freerunning Academy in California that opened in 2011. They make it all look so easy.


If you like these, be sure to subscribe to the authors of the videos to show your support. Feel free to watch the clips from our station's YouTube channel, and again, don't forget to subscribe. Type "FFTF" in our search bar to see other "Fast Forward To Five" posts.

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